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Dean - Memoir by
Bob Hinkle, Giant dialogue coach. Eli Wallach - The noted film actor recalls the making of The Magnificent Seven William Bast - Recalls the making of The Betsy Paul Gregory - Remembers Charles Laughton Paul Gregory - On the making of the Naked and the Dead Bob Hinkle - The making of Hud Robert Wagner- Rumble on Rodeo Drive: the making of A Kiss Before Dying David Amram - Pull My Daisy The Beats Go Hollywood |
Budd Schulberg - on What Makes Sammy Run? Louis Auchincloss - Endicott Peabody and The Rector of Justin
Frank Norris
- Donald Pizer: Frank
Norris and
The Octopus David Amram - Jack Kerouac and Langston Hughes: Soul Brothers Ruth Weiss - Gogo Nesbit and Philip Lamantia: Lovers and Friends Gerd Stern - Philip Lamantia: the Saint of Surrealism Seymour Krim - Bohemian Rhapsody Ron Martinetti - Sam Bankman-Fried: Existential Hero T.S. Eliot - "Gerontion," and Antisemitism: Case Dismissed
Jim Morrison - Glimpses of Jim: Interview with Al Aronowitz Jim Morrison
- Interview with Terry McCartney-Filgate on Jim Morrison:
film student Jim Morrison - A brother-in-law remembers Jim Gerry McClain - Wild Child: Jim Morison at Florida State Martin Pitts- Too Much Heaven: The Bee Gees in Miami Gary McGuire - My Cousin Glenn
- Remembering the Man from Missouri
Ed Koch - Former New York City mayor Ed Koch on Rudy Giuliani Dino Garonshon - In Re Girardi: The Law of Legal Decay Donald Trump - White House Beat |
American Legends Archives - Oh! Henry: The Fonz Unfondly Remembered Tom Rodd on 1980s Gangsters |
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